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Music Therapy vs. Neurologic Music Therapy

I offer both traditional music therapy and Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT).

Music therapy is a discipline in which a Music Therapist Accredited (MTA) use music purposefully within therapeutic relationships to address human needs within all domains of health (social, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual).

Neurologic Music Therapy is an evidence-based music therapy that assists those with neurological conditions, developmental or acquired, by manipulating the elements of music (rhythm, melody, dynamics and tempo, etc), to reroute the brain for cognitive, sensorimotor and speech and language goals and rehabilitation.

Some examples of application according to domain:


  • fine and gross movement, gait training


  • attention, memory, mood, executive functionvisual neglect, sensory orientation, auditory perception

      Speech & Language

  • Speech stimulationvocal intonation, developmental speech and language

Music Lessons

             I have 20 years of classical voice training (BMus). I teach contemporary, musical theatre, and classical voice to students of varying ages and levels. Using my background in speech sciences (and experience working in a Speech-Language Pathology & Voice Clinic), I am able to help individuals with the health and aesthetics of both their singing and speaking voice.I teach beginner guitar and piano.All lessons can be adapted, meaning they can be geared toward the individual needs of the person, beyond the learning of the instrument.

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